Youth at Floradale are an important part of our church family. We encourage the involvement of youth in inter-generational programs of the church.

A group for anyone who considers themselves a young adult (mostly 20’s and early 30’s). They meet for food and topical discussion about life and faith. Check the calendar [calendar link] for the time of the next gathering. We also plan study groups and social events for this group.
Women meet at the church monthly to help make quilts and comforters for MCC. They also have some evening events, approximately 8-10 times a year.

Men meet monthly to enjoy breakfast together and hear a speaker at a local restaurant. Check the calendar to see when and where the next breakfast is being held.
Seniors ministry
Seniors meet every other Thursday morning at the church to play shuffleboard, cards and board games. They call themselves “Let’s Connect.”

These are held immediately after the church service for lunch a few times a year. Congregants are encouraged to bring a first course item as well as a dessert to share, as well as your own plates, bowls and cutlery. If you forget anything though, you are welcome to stay! There is always enough to go around.
Fundraiser soup lunches
These occur periodically to raise money for different missions projects or other needs. A simple lunch of soup, bread and dessert is provided in exchange for a free-will donation. These happen on Sundays after the morning service.