We moved into our current building in the spring of 2006.

We appreciate our large foyer with lots of space for conversation. A space of tables and chairs is set up near the back.

Our coffee bar is used every Sunday following our Worship Service.

Worship is at 10:30am on Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary.

The nursery has a window into the sanctuary.

The kitchen is well stocked.

We have plate settings for up to 250 people.

Our fellowship hall is used for active games, as well as meals and celebrations.

Floradale Mennonite Church is fully accessible for those who can’t manage steps.

Our gym is stocked with 8ft rectangular tables.

We have chairs on rolling carts for easy access in our gym.

The boardroom is used for meetings of all types.

The youth enjoy having their own space upstairs.

The Sunday School rooms come in various sizes in the basement.

The library has a good variety of children and adults’ reading material.