Bulletin / Order of Service

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Speaker: Jim Loepp Thiessen
Worship Leader: Jared Martin
Music Leader: Anita Schroeder Kipfer
Musician(s): Casey Horn


Welcome & Announcements

Call to Worship: VT # 856

Leader: Christ is like a single body
that has many parts.

All: It is still one body though
every part is different.

Leader: Therefore the foot cannot say,

Part 1: I am not part of the body;

Leader: nor can the ear say,

Part 2: I am not part of the body.

Leader: The eye cannot say to the hand,

Part 1: I don’t need you;

Leader: nor can the head say to the feet,

Part 2: I don’t need you.

Leader: If one part suffers,

All: all parts share the pain;

Leader: if one part is praised,

All: all parts share the joy.

Leader: Together, we are Christ’s body:

All: each one of us is a part of it.


Congregational Singing:  

“Move in Our Midst” VT # 827

“Together” VT # 389

Children’s Story

Congregational Singing:  

“Jesus, Help Us Live in Peace” VT # 719

Scripture: Ephesians 4:29-32


Congregational Singing:  

“Gracious Spirit Dwell with Me” HWB # 507


Congregational Singing:  

“Rain Down” VT # 703


11:30 a.m. COFFEE IN FOYER

*Note: order of service is subject to change