Bulletin / Order of Service

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Speaker: Jim Loepp Thiessen
Worship Leader: Anita Schroeder Kipfer
Music Leader: Ingrid Loepp Thiessen
Musician(s): Casey Horn


Welcome & Announcements

Invitation to Worship:

Leader: There are different kinds of gifts,

All: but the same Spirit.

People: There are different ways to serve, 

All: but the same God.

Leader: There are varieties of activities,

People: but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

All: The Spirit is given to each person for the good of all.


Congregational Singing:

VT # 81 “All Creatures, Worship God”  

VT # 111 “10,000 Reasons” 

Children’s Time 

Congregational Singing:

VT # 374 “There are Many Gifts” 

Scripture: Romans 12:4-9

Sermon: Gifts discovery 

Congregational Singing:

VT # 759 “Take My Life” 


Congregational Singing:

VT # 545 “Here I Am, Lord” 

VT # 473 “Halleluia” 


11:30 a.m. COFFEE IN FOYER

*Note: order of service is subject to change