Sunday Worship Information

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Join us for our Worship Service Sunday, April 14th at 10:30am!

There will be coffee served in the foyer following the service.

Join us for our Fundraiser Lunch following the Worship Service. Proceeds going to purchase items for our MCC Baby kits. Thank you for the baby items that have been donated.

Here is the link to the Worship Service:

Here is the link to the Recorded version:

Easter Weekend 2024

Join us for our Good Friday Service at 10:30am.
There will be Communion as part of the service.
There will be coffee served in the foyer following the service.

Here is the link to the Worship Service:

Here is the link to the Recorded version:

Join us for our Easter Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am!
There will be coffee served in the foyer following the service.

Here is the link to the Worship Service:

Here is the link to the Recorded version: