Jesus as Saviour and Lord

What does it mean for you/me to follow Jesus? As the Americans begin to think about who to follow, either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, in their election in November, what does it mean for Christians to follow Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus the Christ? Some of you who read this article are not Christians, so what would you say about Jesus. Who do you think we are following in our daily lives? You might say that from your perspective, we, as Christians, are not on the right track, and really need to repent our not following the life and teachings of Jesus.

So, who is Jesus? There are few sources about him outside the four biographies we have in the New Testament. This would not happen in the age of the internet. The biographers all have an agenda or a bias. They want me to believe that Jesus is the Saviour of the world. I am okay with this because none of us live without a bias of some kind. I am writing this article with a certain bias or perspective. You could not call me a human being if I did write a certain edge or bias.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, grew up in Nazareth (both towns now in the Occupied West Bank). At around 30 he was baptized, and selected twelve men to follow him as students. They traveled very little but started in Galilee, just north of Jerusalem. Jesus told fictional stories (parables), re-interpreted Jewish law and history, did miracles and hung out with the poor, the lame and the powerful. About halfway through his three years, he decided it was time to head to Jerusalem to die. He told those 12 guys that he was going to die. In Jerusalem, he arrived in a parade, but by the end of the week, he was hanging on a cross, dead. He had a final meal with his friends, then was arrested that evening, put on trial by the morning, and killed by that afternoon.

Three days later, he resurrected from the dead, and was seen by his friends. He stayed for 40 more days, and from the top of a mountain, he went back up to heaven. Christians have awaited his return for about 2000 years. I think this a long time to wait, but maybe it is just me.

So, Jesus’ death is our way to salvation. He died, so we might have salvation forever. Jesus loved the world so much that he endured such great suffering as he died. If he would have lived longer and died in a nursing home, would he still be the Saviour of the World? I believe that Jesus is my/our/all of ours Saviour, but I have questions still. But I also believe that God is God, and God could have/ should have planned it another way. I am just saying.

Jesus as Lord is easy, but also very difficult. Jesus must lead all of my life. Those parables we have in the Bible are tough. They are all directed at me. The sermon on the mountain is even harder to live out. That sermon is in biography one, Matthew, in the fifth through seventh chapters. ”Love our enemies, do not worry about anything, and ask for anything and it will be given to you“, are some of the things it says. We must take the sayings and the life that Jesus led while he was on the earth, as seriously as he is the saviour of this world.

I can really only worry (oh, I am not to worry) about how I live with the world, and with all the people that I meet. I believe that rest is out of my hands, and feet and head and arms. This is what I believe about Jesus, how about you?
