Published Feb. 11, 2016
Why does the number 40 seem to be a favourite number of God? Or maybe it is the writers of the Bible that seem to remember the number 40 more than any other number? There is the Flood story with Noah, and it is in the story of Jonah as well. The people of Israel stayed in the wilderness for 40 years. Moses was on Mt. Sinai for 40 days. In the New Testament, there is the story of Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days, comforted by the Holy Spirit and tempted by the devil. Even the Church has taken over the number by celebrating 40 days after the birth of the baby in the manger, and has a season of 40 days right before the celebration of Easter.
Is there something special about the number that makes it more holy than maybe 20 or 65 or 1000? It seems to be mostly around when people are suffering or looking for new direction in their lives. Moses stays up on the mountain as he listens to God for all of those days, and then comes down the mountain to tell the people what God has said. I would think being alone for 40 days, and nights, with God would be a difficult challenge. Sometimes, you just need to talk to someone. Sometimes, you need that human interaction because divine talking is very intense.
So, beginning yesterday, is the Christian celebration or journey for 40 days till Easter, called Lent. The time is actually 46 days, but the Sundays are mini-celebrations of Easter, and they do not count. If you have given up something for Lent and for God, you can eat or do it on Sunday! What can we do with Lent, to help our body, our mind and our soul?
I do not believe we need to be tempted by the Devil or the darkness for the next 40 days. There is the story of Jesus in the wilderness. We do not need to go there. That is an example for Jesus, and his human/divine journey. If we happen to find ourselves in a very dark place, we need to seek help from God and others to get out of there. There are enough dark places in our world to keep us down, we do not have to think of confronting the spiritual dark places.
So, what would 40 days (let us believe that it is the most favourite number of God) of light mean for us as a society. Can we experience the light of God through prayer, and then extend it to each other and everyone? We are able to focus on the sinful stuff that exists in our world, but what would it mean for us all bring experiences of light, love and hope.
So, what can we do? Be a positive influence in our families during this time and beyond the forty days. Let us be a source of light and friendship in our schools, our job sites and our churches.
For me, I will try to laugh more. I am often thought to be a serious guy, so as a form of the light of Christ in a broken world, I am going to try, and try, to laugh more. I think it is good for mental health as well. Light up Christ, with a laugh and smile. I mean Jesus told all those parables, stories, with a sly look in his eye. Let us begin the 40 days of Light during Lent.
Fred Redekop