Sunday Worship – February 26

Hello Everyone,

Come join us for Worship on Sunday, February 26

9:45 – Sunday School for all ages

11:00 – Worship & Jr. Church

Pastor Gary Knarr is preaching on “God of Our Hope”

REMINDER: today is the Annual Meeting and MYF Fundraising Lunch

Bulletin can be found >February 26, 2017 – bulletin

Special announcement: The MCC Heifer Sale was held on Feb. 17. 112 heifers were sold for a total of $20,550.00 which is an average of $1108 per heifer. 5 were re-donated, the top seller went for $4600, 2nd top seller went for $4100.  Total money raised from the sale of heifers, miscellaneous items and cash donations was $214,200.  Thank you to everyone who asked about the sale in advance, to those who were able to come, prayers offered for good weather and a successful sale. Clarence Diefenbacher