Ponder Anew – July 27

Good morning,

There has been a lot of changes and transitions here at Floradale in the last thirteen months. This week will be another as Angela leaves her position as Music Minister to move to Manitoba. We are fortunate and excited, to welcome Nichelle Bauman to take over the position. We have known Nichelle for many years and have blessed by her musical and leadership skills.

So how have all these transitions helped our congregation? We have gotten very good people to join our staff. The new people bring different skills and a new kind of energy. They have helped the staff that have stayed around. But these are about the staff.

What have the transitions done for your faith? Have you thought of how your skills might be used at Floradale in new ways? Maybe you can step into new leadership roles in the next few years. If God has a plan for the church, then God has a plan for you as well.

This is not the time to coast in our faith (I am speaking to myself as well). Pray that new skills in our church will be revealed. Pray for renewal in all of us.

Shalom and strength for the journey of faith and life.


July 31, 2016 Bulletin