Good morning everyone,
We were to read the Gospel of John this week. If you are not reading through the Bible, I invite you to read John 15. The setting is the supper that Jesus had with his disciples. Jesus knows that it is the last meal they will share together before he dies. It is his time to go. He must be tense.
As recorded in John, Jesus talks a lot. Maybe he wants to get the last few directions to his friends. But he knows, he will be resurrected or maybe he does not know this. But he does tell them at the supper that he is coming back.
So, what does salvation mean if Jesus knows the whole plan? He will suffer on the cross, die, and be resurrected again. He says that he is going back to his Father. Where does salvation happen in the story, his being on the cross in agony? Or, when he dies and lives in hell for three days? Or, when he is resurrected after three days in the grave? Or maybe salvation comes earlier, when he teaches, heals and confronts the authorities.
In John 15:9, it says, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” We need to love everyone, as Jesus did. Salvation came to us through the love of Jesus, and we extend love to everyone, no one is excluded, because we are not excluded. Who are you going extend salvation to today?
Whom do you/we need to love today?
Shalom and strength for the journey of love and faith, and life,