Ponder Anew – Feb 5

Good morning everyone,

As you know, I spent the last eight days in silence. With all that is going on in my life, I thought this might be a good event again. I have done about 6 of them, each of five to eight days. Although, it was good to spend time in prayer and with the Bible, I think I needed people, instead of silence. Did I really say that ? Yes, I think I would have benefited from talking with people (especially my wife) as I thought of what is ahead for us.

God still had some things to say:

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name.” from Isaiah 43 was a text that I lived with for three days. It will be my verse for Lent this year. I realized I fear many things, and so God’s voice through Isaiah, said to me that I need to put all of those fears before God for redemption.

A second verse given to me by my director, Dan Leckman, was from Matthew 11. “My yoke is easy and my burden is light”. These are the words of Jesus to his disciples. Following Jesus can be easy and light, if we can give him all the tough stuff.

Finally, on Thursday morning, as the retreat was ending, the Beatitudes from Matthew 5, spoke to me that I am a blessed child of God. I needed this kind of reassurance as I live into the future.

Dear God,

Thank you for the eight days with you,
Even if I did not always appreciate the difficulties,
on this journey.
Continue to speak to me
as I put my trust, and not fear
in you.

Shalom and strength for the journey,
